Take mė to the môȏn.
Let me play ąmong ţḩe stars.
Aǹd let me sḛè ŵḩät sprīng ís liké.
Ön The Sky Spheres.
Ĩņ òẗheȑ ẅords, ḧold mý hand.
Ǐn oṱheṛ words, bảbÿ, kiss ṁé.
Filḷ my ḩeąṛt witḧ şȍńĝ.
And let mȇ şỉņg fǒrḛvḛȑmore.
Ŷơu are álļ I lȯng for.
Ålĺ I woŗsḩḭp and adore.
Ỉǹ othéŗ words, pḷěase bȅ ṭruë.
Ín oṱhḛŗ wöṙdș, Ì love ỹóu.
Fill my hẻart wȉṫh soṇg.
Leẗ me śinǵ förevermore.
Yớȕ arē all Ḯ lönǵ fọř.
Âľl I wőrsḣip aņd ḁdơṙë.
In other words, plḛȧsḛ bȩ trủë.
Ìn òther woŕds, ȋn othḛr wơrds.
I love ÿou.